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Category Archives: Poetry شعر

Rap and Graffiti

In the past weeks, a new teacher has joined us: Khalid.

Khalid is a university student with a unique talent… He is a rapper and a graffiti artist. Khalid came to the Association and shared his passion with the students. For many students, it was the first time they heard of these new arts, and for all it was the first time they learned the skills behind it.

Khalid taught students how to write rap and shared his songs with them.


He gave words to students to perform – and they loved trying to rap just like him.


Khalid also showed them how to do graffiti — and while doing so, he made a sign for the Association. (“Palestine”)


The older students learned about graffiti and even got to try it out for themselves!


Of course, Khalid also performed his own rap for the students.


He gave all the students a chance to perform something as well. Many students recited poems or sang songs — the littlest one of us all, Ban, was the first to contribute a song she memorized!


All in all, it was an amazing program that introduced our students to new types of art, encouraged them to be creative, and gave them a voice.


متطوعين في المخيم الشتوي

إنك إذا أعطيت فإنما تعطي
القليل من ثروتك
ولكن لا قيمة لما تعطيه ما لم
يكن جزءًا من ذاتك

جبران خليل جبران

dancing IMG_0484 IMG_0487 playing walking piggy back

الشاعر محمود درويش

By: Ahmad and Qais