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Goodbye to our American Friends!

During the past year, students from the Orphan Welfare Association (OWA) in Baqa’a Camp, Jordan have been exchanging letters with Pen Pals from AB Regional Highschool in Acton, MA, US.

For the OWA students in Jordan, ranging in age from 6 years old to 16 years old, their Pen Pals were their first “American friends” and the first exposure they had to American people, culture, and life in general. The letter exchange both showed the OWA students the value of developing their English language skills and gave them a sense of connection to American people. Similarly for the AB students, this exchange provided insight into a corner of the world that Americans do not know much about; they have learned about life in the Middle East –> life in the Arab world –> life in Jordan –> and even more specifically, life in a Palestinian refugee camp in Jordan.

This video shows some of the OWA students saying goodbye to their classmates. Not pictured here are many other students, including high school students (Alanood, Rawhy, Mohammed, and Hana), who participated throughout the year. All of them send their love, thanks, and farewell to their friends in America.


Rap and Graffiti

In the past weeks, a new teacher has joined us: Khalid.

Khalid is a university student with a unique talent… He is a rapper and a graffiti artist. Khalid came to the Association and shared his passion with the students. For many students, it was the first time they heard of these new arts, and for all it was the first time they learned the skills behind it.

Khalid taught students how to write rap and shared his songs with them.


He gave words to students to perform – and they loved trying to rap just like him.


Khalid also showed them how to do graffiti — and while doing so, he made a sign for the Association. (“Palestine”)


The older students learned about graffiti and even got to try it out for themselves!


Of course, Khalid also performed his own rap for the students.


He gave all the students a chance to perform something as well. Many students recited poems or sang songs — the littlest one of us all, Ban, was the first to contribute a song she memorized!


All in all, it was an amazing program that introduced our students to new types of art, encouraged them to be creative, and gave them a voice.


A new favorite game


A new favorite game for our younger English learners..

matching the English alphabet into the correct places.. faster than the girls team!




It was determined that lower case letters are muh harder, because they are greeb (weird)..

Yet all still loved the competition!



رحلة الفتيات

The Girl’s Trip to Jerash and Ajloun — by Selselbeel


Our group of 60 girls:


The whole group at Jerash:


Teacher Wael and Teacher Moatessim showing us a game:




Part of the group at Ajloun Castle:


Thanks for writing about our trip Selselbeel! 🙂


Happy Birthday Miss Biff!

Miss Biff turned 23 on Sunday, April 7th!

The students in the Saturday English Program decided to make her a surprise gift — a video of birthday wishes! Miss Biff had NO idea that throughout the whole day, students were quietly going into another room to make her this gift… and she was SO surprised when she saw the film!

Happy Birthday Miss Biff!

BIFF from Julie Whittaker on Vimeo.

متطوعين في المخيم الشتوي

إنك إذا أعطيت فإنما تعطي
القليل من ثروتك
ولكن لا قيمة لما تعطيه ما لم
يكن جزءًا من ذاتك

جبران خليل جبران

dancing IMG_0484 IMG_0487 playing walking piggy back